Bespoke Framing
Everyone knows that framers frame pictures and with a selection of over 500 mouldings and hundreds of mounts to choose from we'll certainly be able to meet your needs, but have you considered what else can be framed?
Apart from the examples below, we have been asked to frame some really rare and unusual things over the years, including a pair of Lawrence Olivier's stage tights, Olympic medals, boxing gloves and even the Union flag which shrouded Shackleton's coffin!

Football Shirts
Has your team shirt been retired? Have you got a signed shirt for your favourite team? . Why not preserve them for future generations.

We thought this was a fantastic idea of its owner. It just goes to show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!

A whole Township!
This picture was a real challenge. Although the background is painted the foreground itself is a collage of rubbish found in a township in Soweto. We solved the framing problem by building a box frame to show off the depth of the work.